This may be the best spin class ever

This may be the best spin class ever
New York City never ceases to amaze us here at Elite Body Squad. The sky is the limit in the Big Apple and this new gym class shows just how amazing the city is. IMAXShift is a new and immersive cycling studio that is powered by the IMAX cinema experience. If you have not been to an IMAX cinema yet, it allows you to become fully immersed in the sounds and effects of the films, enhancing your viewing experience. Here, the screens allow your exercise regime to become a lot more dynamic. Their "unmatched audio will take you from the front of your saddle to the edge of your seat!" Hard to believe right? Here is a video to explain via - Looks fun right? Well, this new and immersive exercise programme plans on taking you on a journey through land, space and even a Tron-like race course. Their aim is to allow you to explore an exercise class that is "energising, performance-driven, fun and altogether epic." We have never really imagined what cycling over the solar system would be like, but we would not say no to trying. Each class is different and are handcrafted by the instructors to make them unique and accessible for everyone involved. They combine a unique mixture of music and visual experimentation that are aimed to complement your workout, allowing you to be both energised and entertained. You work out to the beat of the music with each bike giving you the opportunity to track your own speed, resistance and power. You can use this data to monitor your progress as you move through the classes. They will all be stored in your online account so you don't even have to leave the comfort of home to check. Via:  Okay so we can have a spin class and watch a music video at the same time, is this not just the same as going to the gym? Many gyms now have resident DJ's for their most popular classes who will spin some beats whilst you pedal. Well, the 40-food-wide by 24-foot-high Imax screen may very well be the deal breaker here. The videos that are played are timed perfectly to the workout in order to make the spinning movements of the bikes feel more natural. One of the segments places you on a rollercoaster track with your instructor directing you to speed up the pedalling as you go downhill, just as you would in real life if you chose to cycle down a rollercoaster track. Brian Marcovici, the chief executive of IMAXShift, states that “Man isn’t made to sit in a dark room and pedal nowhere,” he said. “It’s a weird concept.” Some would argue that this experience can be obtained by simply stepping out into the countryside and experiencing it for yourself. But some may not have such a luxury, certainly those who are living in urban environments. It is certainly a unique concept for exercising and one that will grow in popularity over the coming years. Via:

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