A Day In The Life Of…

Craig Wright (craiglw007)
Sunday 12 November (but applies to most weekends)
Woke up at 7.30 and took Creatine, fish oil and BCAA
Got to the gym for 8am (opening time) and trained till 9am. I trained arms mainly, tricep dips, bicep curls on the cable machine, kettlebell high pulls with a 32kg, regular pull ups, wide arm pull ups engaging back, farmers walks with two 25kg plates, recline rows on a TRX.
Sauna till 9.20, left and got a can of sugar free monster (I had 3 over the course of the day (which I'm trying to cut down on!)).
Home, jumped in the bath, had a protein shake, and a bowl of fuel protein granola and skyr yoghurt.
I had 2 slices of wholemeal toast and another protein shake for dinner.
Sunday Roast for tea (chicken).
Creatine and BCAA again before bed, which last night was 9.45!
Through the week, I work pretty much 8-6 each day, I get in, take care of my parental duties and train once all the kids are in bed. Either at the actual gym, or in the gym I have in my garage.
I train pretty much an hour a day, apart from I rest Tuesday and Friday (more for the sake of my marriage than my body!). I don't really snack, if I do, protein bars or rice cakes are what I tend to have (usually when I'm at work).
On a typical day, I have around 3-4 litres of water, plus I drink green tea as well.