Tayler Norris – Elite Body Squad Brand Ambassadors

Tayler Norris – Elite Body Squad Brand Ambassadors
Tayler Norris is a group exercise instructor living and working in Edinburgh. She runs her own fitness business called ‘Tayler-Made Fitness’, going around gyms in the city and running classes. The formats she runs include Insanity, PiYo and Bodybump, whilst in the summer Tayler also runs outdoors and indoor bootcamps.

In her own words…

I love to train and I am a self-confessed gym junkie! About a year ago after going through phases in and out the gym and struggling with consistency, I got myself properly into a routine with weight lifting. It has now become a passion of mine and the gym is where I go for my release, its now like my second home! When I first started out training about 4 years ago, I was pretty clueless and thought it took long, gruelling cardio workouts to see results and eating low calories! I always struggled with consistency when it came to my nutrition, but finally feel I am in control of this now and I have learned to be self-disclipined. It is all about balance, consistency and determination. There are no quick fixes – and this is what I always like to pass on to all of my class participants. It’s such a cliche now, but it really is about making it a lifestyle, which is exactly what I have now committed myself to! I just wish I had known this years ago.. but its never too late to start and I am glad I have found weight lifting now! I weight train 4-5 times per week, and like to do a training split. I train legs twice a week, and also have chest, back and arms & shoulder days! When doing cardio I like to mix it up but my preferred method is definitely HIIT training, or using my classes as my main source of cardio. The only kind of fitness I cannot get myself into is running – definitely not for me! My favourite exercises at the gym include Squats (of course!), Barbell Rows and I love training shoulders and arms – nothing like feeling that burn! I also love working the glutes with exercises like kickbacks and barbell hip thrusts. I don’t tend to use many supplements, but I like to have a pre-workout shake before my session, and a whey protein shake afterwards. I have most recently been using Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey in Chocolate flavour and the Amino Energy in Strawberry and Kiwi  – they are delicious! My diet is nothing too extreme, but I like to make sure I am eating plenty carbs and its all high protein. I love to use Elite Body Squad lifting straps for my workouts, for doing deadlifts and rack pulls you really can’t beat them! The quality is amazing and they really aid my workout. I also love to use the ab roller when doing core work – although the next day is always a struggle to cough, laugh or sneeze because it proper burns! My future fitness goals include continuing to build up my business, getting more people healthier and happier, and on their way to making this a lifestyle choice. Its amazing to see participants improving and becoming more confident. Personally, I want to continue making gains at the gym, becoming stronger and ultimately leaner. I have come pretty far in the last year or so in both ways, but still have a long way to go. For me though, its all about enjoying the process and being proud of how far you have came, not just the end result. Progress is progress! My dream would be to inspire others, in any shape or form, so if I can manage that somehow, I will feel I have done well! I really look forward to working more with Elite Body Squad, and feel excited about my future in the fitness industry! Follow Tayler on Instagram here

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